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WordPress Web Help, Mon. July 8, 2024, 6pm PST, PRESENTATION: USING WORDPRESS AS AN ACTUAL CMS (Custom Posts & Fields)

WordPress Web Help, Mon. July 8, 2024, 6pm PST, PRESENTATION: USING WORDPRESS AS AN ACTUAL CMS (Custom Posts & Fields)

PRESENTATION: Using WP as an Actual CMS: Understanding Custom posts & Custom fields (or: Or: How I Learned to Stop Making Pages & Embrace Custom Posts) by Brendan O’Connell

Custom posts, dynamic data, and queries require us to change how we think about website architecture. Solve client problems & scale websites with fewer headaches with low-code custom post type solutions. (Read on…)

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17 Fixes For Why Your Website Isn’t Performing

17 Fixes For Why Your Website Isn't Performing

I’ve now taken the procedure I follow in reviewing sites and converted it into a tool…available free…to help small business owners to improve their online presence by diagnosing and fixing some of the most common website fails.

For some time now, I’ve been performing website audits for business clients in order to help them determine whether they’re getting full value from their website investment. (Read on…)

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Email List Management Strategies: Grow Your Email List

Email List Management Strategies: Grow Your Email List

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels. For every dollar brands spend on email marketing, they average a return on investment of $36. Proper email list management is essential to maximizing your returns from email marketing.

Managing your email list correctly will help you improve the deliverability of your messages, increase engagement, and boost your conversion rate. It’s an absolute must for any brand using email marketing.

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I Started Taking a Walk Every Morning. Here’s What Happened to My Health

I Started Taking a Walk Every Morning. Here’s What Happened to My Health

Ever since I’ve started walking every morning, I usually get 12k to 15k steps a day. Much better. The boost hasn’t come from my morning walk alone; that habit has also had the unintended benefit of getting me moving more in general. I’ll intermittently take 10-minute walking breaks during the day just because I like how it feels to walk. I also get…(Read more…)

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The Clock is Ticking on Website Accessibility for Public Entities; Others Entities are on Notice

The Clock is Ticking on Website Accessibility for Public Entities; Others Entities are on Notice

Given the explosion of website accessibility lawsuits in recent years, as a practical matter, the best defense is going to be mooting the claims. That means having processes in place by the Compliance Date to regularly detect and promptly correct WCAG 2.1, Level AA nonconformance and the ability to quickly show that any issue identified in a lawsuit has been corrected.

Compliance with these regulations requires high-level engagement by the CIO/IT, legal, finance and procurement, compliance and disability services… (Read more…)

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U.S. Bans Noncompete Agreements For Nearly All Jobs

U.S. Bans Noncompete Agreements For Nearly All Jobs

The Federal Trade Commission narrowly voted Tuesday to ban nearly all noncompetes, employment agreements that typically prevent workers from joining competing businesses or launching ones of their own…

…noncompetes are vital to companies, by allowing them to better guard trade secrets, and employees, by giving employers greater incentive to invest in workforce training and development. (Read on…)

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Content Marketing Statistics for 2024

Content Marketing Statistics for 2024

Businesses across various sectors recognize the value of content marketing in engaging with their audience, building brand awareness and driving sales, leading to more substantial investments in content marketing strategies and tools. This trend reflects the industry’s evolving role as a central component of digital marketing and its substantial contribution to the global marketing economy…(Read on…)

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Website Law Alert: What You Need to Know About the Updated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Website Law Alert: What You Need to Know About the Updated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

In October 2023, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)–an international organization that recommends and maintains web-related protocols, guidelines, and standards–adopted the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, by elevating them to “Recommended” status. Web developers, individuals with accessibility issues, and U.S. courts all look to the WCAG Guidelines as industry standards for web accessibility… (Read on…)

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How to Back Up Your WordPress Site

How to Back Up Your WordPress Site

Backing up your WordPress site is a simple process. With just a few steps, you can ensure that all of your website’s content and settings are secure and easily restorable in the event of a system failure or other unexpected issues.

Why do I need to back up my WordPress website?
Backing up your website is essential for protecting against data loss in the event of a system failure, malicious attack, or other unexpected issue. With regular backups, you can be sure that all of your content and settings are secure and can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster.

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The 5 Things Every Small Business Needs To Know Before Purchasing A Virtual Office

The 5 Things Every Small Business Needs To Know Before Purchasing A Virtual Office

Virtual Offices have long been a convenient and cost-effective way for small business owners and digital nomads with flexible working arrangements to level up their online presence and lend additional credibility to their business. Most coworking spaces and flexible offices offer a convenient Virtual Office membership at affordable monthly prices, but their offerings cover a wide range of benefits and prices. It can be difficult to navigate the sea of the $44 billion global Virtual Office market that consistently bombards potential buyers with ads.
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Brand Archetypes

Brand Archetypes

Brand Archetypes defined: Noted psychologist Carl Jung (pronounced: “yoong”) theorized that humans use symbolism to more easily understand complex concepts.

As a result of his research, Jung stated: “There are forms or images of a collective nature which occur practically all over the earth as constituents of myths and at the same time, as individual products of unconscious.”

In this work, Jung maintained that over the course of all time, for people, certain paths to greater understanding remain..(Read on…)

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WordPress Web Help Group Hits 1000 Member Milestone!

WordPress Web Help Group Hits 1000 Member Milestone!

Whether you’re just starting out with WordPress or consider yourself a seasoned pro, don’t hesitate to join us and contribute to the conversation.

Well…we’ve hit a pretty significant milestone. The WordPress Web Help Meetup Group just hit 1000 members! I want to thank all who’ve joined over the years and especially the core group of members who show up to answer questions and help those further back on the learning curve to get up to speed with this truly cool marketing platform. (Read on…)

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New Mass Gmail Rejections To Start April 2024, Google Says

New Mass Gmail Rejections To Start April 2024, Google Says

Starting in April, senders of unwanted mass emails to Gmail users will begin to see message rejections increasing unless they abide by new Gmail email sender guidelines, Google warns.

New Rules For Sending Mass Email To Gmail Accounts
As an article I published on Forbes on last Tuesday made clear, new rules are coming into place to protect Gmail users from unwanted mass emails. At the time, it was reported that some senders of mass marketing emails had started to receive error messages relating to some messages sent to Gmail accounts. (Read on…)

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10 WordPress Security Issues & Vulnerabilities You Should Know About

10 WordPress Security Issues & Vulnerabilities You Should Know About

A leading CMS, WordPress, is used on almost 40% of all websites worldwide. All these aspects can be related to its popularity, user-friendly interface, massive offer of customization options, and support they offer to their users…

Why are WordPress Sites Vulnerable
Despite its popularity and myriad uses, WordPress sites are susceptible to several forms of security hazards. Several factors contribute to their susceptibility: The objectives in the following ballot have three states: approved, disapproved, and void. Let’s look at some reasons now why WordPress sites are so vulnerable… (Read on…)

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Embrace These 14 Low-Cost Ways To Help Your Small Business Grow

Embrace These 14 Low-Cost Ways To Help Your Small Business Grow

There are 33.2 million small businesses in the USA, which make up about 99.9% of all American businesses. Making yours stand out and grow effectively and fast among so many small businesses can be a real challenge.

Most business owners feel intimidated about investing in their business growth. Due to the tough competition, they feel there’s no point in spending on strategies.

However, there are some great ideas – ON A BUDGET – to make your business shine among existing customers and even turn prospective customers into regulars. So, let’s know all the strategies here! (Read on…)

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Personal Finance Tasks That Feel Like Groundhog Day

Personal Finance Tasks That Feel Like Groundhog Day

Everyday financial tasks often resemble the repetitive cycle experienced by Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. These routine personal finance tasks can feel like an endless repetition of the same day. From paying rent to rebuilding emergency funds, the monotony can be overwhelming. This article delves into these Groundhog Day financial moments, providing practical insights and strategies to transform the mundane into opportunities for financial growth.
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Affiliate Marketing For Small Business: Pass Or Play?

Affiliate Marketing For Small Business: Pass Or Play?

There isn’t one right way to do marketing. The more I’ve dabbled in marketing, the more I’ve realized it’s a bottomless pit of possibilities. I also noticed the value of affiliate marketing, something 80% of brands use. There’s a reason it’s so popular.

TikTok, Instagram, and similar social media platforms have become gospel for consumers. Whatever they’re selling, we want it. “TikTok made me buy it!” isn’t just a cutesy phrase. It’s the truth. As consumers, we want what we’re reading about in …(Read on…)

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Business Internet Safety Guide

Business Internet Safety Guide

Keep your business safe by maintaining a secure Wi-Fi network, using strong passwords and updating software regularly.

Cybersecurity is important for everyone, and businesses are no exception. 61% of small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) were victims of cyberattacks last year and 87% of IT ‘decision makers’ claim they experienced two or more successful attacks in the past year.

Cyberattacks leave not only businesses vulnerable but their employees and consumers as well. Luckily, there are ways to keep your business safe from. cybersecurity threats. (Read on…)

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The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Accessibility, and How it Can Boost Your Platform

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Accessibility, and How it Can Boost Your Platform

Making a website accessible means building a platform that maximum people can share and find reliable. That’s why WordPress Accessibility is so crucial.

More than 45.8% of websites across the globe will be powered by WordPress in 2023. The figure was 43.2% in 2022. Whether you want to create a simple or complex website for your business, WordPress can create the most trusted, versatile and user-friendly platform for your business goals… (Read on…)

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Mark Cuban: These Are the Top 4 Reasons Most Small Businesses Fail

Mark Cuban: These Are the Top 4 Reasons Most Small Businesses Fail

You may not realize it, but most U.S. businesses are small businesses; SBA statistics show that 99 percent of all businesses are independent companies with fewer than 500 employees.

That’s the good news. The bad news? While estimates vary, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data 20 percent of new businesses fail within two years, 45 percent during the first five years, and 65 percent during the first 10 years. (Only 25 percent make it for 15 years or more.) (Read on…)

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102 Quick & Easy Ways To Increase Organic Traffic

102 Quick & Easy Ways To Increase Organic Traffic

In this article, you are going to discover over 100 simple ways to increase organic traffic to your website or web property that you can implement today.

We’ve complied this list based on many years of online marketing experience and offer the to you to explore and use. While this list is extensive, many of the items may require more research on your behalf or the assistance of a marketing professional. (Read on…)

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Develop a Public Relations Strategy to Promote Your Small Business

Develop a Public Relations Strategy to Promote Your Small Business

Running a small business is by no means an easy task, especially when you are just getting started – you have limited time, resources, and budget, all while trying to get things done in order to create more awareness and grow your brand. Nonetheless, it is crucial to get your company name out there as much as possible to generate a customer pipeline and have steady incoming revenue. So, the question becomes: What’s the best way to get started?

PR, or Public Relations, is more essential than ever for small businesses to grow in 2024, and it doesn’t have to be super complicated or costly… (Read on…)

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Why You Shouldn’t Schedule Meetings Longer than One Hour

Why You Shouldn’t Schedule Meetings Longer than One Hour

People have a hard time attending meetings that are longer than one hour.

Maybe it’s today’s ADD. Or perhaps, it’s just that any meeting that long is a waste of many people’s time.

Either way, there is almost no reason to schedule a meeting for over 60 minutes.

If you do, you’re scheduling more time than is necessary or productive. (Read on…)

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How AI-Powered Features Are Revolutionizing Marketing Automation Platforms

How AI-Powered Features Are Revolutionizing Marketing Automation Platforms

New artificial intelligence functions for MAPs can do everything from generating personalized content to optimizing campaigns.

Like much marketing technology, many marketing automation platforms (MAPs) are being enhanced with new AI-powered features.

One reason for this is the need to improve personalization and drive it to all parts of marketing. A recent survey shows 73% of respondents — both consumers and business buyers — expect companies to…(Read on…)

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How To Make New Year’s Financial Resolutions That Stick

How To Make New Year’s Financial Resolutions That Stick

Improving finances is a common resolution for the New Year. In 2023, 53% of Americans who set resolutions wanted to prioritize getting their finances in order. While that figure has dropped to 38% for 2024, it is still the second-most popular resolution after improving fitness.

Unfortunately, most resolutions are abandoned before February rolls around. In fact, studies have found that only 9% of Americans who make resolutions actually complete them. (Read on…)

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8 Biggest Small Business Cybersecurity Misconceptions

8 Biggest Small Business Cybersecurity Misconceptions

Almost half of all workers in the country work for a business with fewer than 500 employees – and that doesn’t even account for the some 27 million small business owners who are their own sole employee.
Unfortunately, because small businesses are the drivers of our economy, they are also a ripe target for cyberattacks. The FBI recently reported that the majority of cybercrime victims are small businesses. (Read on…)

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Nick Diego on the Revamp of the WordPress Showcase Website

Nick Diego on the Revamp of the WordPress Showcase Website

The WordPress showcase is a curated collection of websites built with WordPress. Its purpose is to inspire, and show the breadth of what WordPress can achieve. Currently the showcase features around a hundred sites, including large enterprises like the New York Times and NASA. It aims to challenge misconceptions about WordPress, and highlight the platforms scale and reach.

The design of the showcase is contemporary and visually impactful. It shows that whatever proprietary platforms can do, WordPress can also do. (Read on…)

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10 Ways WordPress Developers Can Help With Your Website Speed and Performance

10 Ways WordPress Developers Can Help With Your Website Speed and Performance

In today’s fast-paced online world, how fast your website works can make or break the experience for users. People want things quick, and if your site takes forever to load, you might lose them. That’s where WordPress developers come in. If you’re using WordPress – the go-to system for managing web content – these developers can be your heroes, making sure your site runs super smooth. So, when you’re ready to enhance your website speed and performance, it’s time to consider hiring WordPress developers.
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