Nick Diego on the Revamp of the WordPress Showcase Website

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On the podcast today we have Nick Diego.

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Nick is a sponsored full-time contributor at Automattic. His official position is a developer relations advocate, which allows him to focus on creating developer orientated content. Apart from his regular responsibilities, Nick is also involved in a separate project called the WordPress Showcase, and this is the focus of the podcast today.

The WordPress showcase is a curated collection of websites built with WordPress. Its purpose is to inspire, and show the breadth of what WordPress can achieve. Currently the showcase features around a hundred sites, including large enterprises like the New York Times and NASA. It aims to challenge misconceptions about WordPress, and highlight the platforms scale and reach.

The design of the showcase is contemporary and visually impactful. It shows that whatever proprietary platforms can do, WordPress can also do.

During the podcast we talk about the intricacies of the Showcase project. We discuss the selection criteria for featured sites, including the possibility of case studies to show the process behind their creation.

We also explore the importance of block themes within the Showcase, and the ongoing efforts to make fully block-based.

We also get into the future iterations of taxonomies and navigation on the site to enhance its functionality. Nick suggests that the categories in the showcase will serve as a valuable resource for novice users, trying to understand the capabilities of WordPress.

The redesigned showcase aims to highlight WordPress in a modern way, inspire web design, and convince clients that WordPress is a credible choice. Everything that you see on the website is open source, meaning that you can download all the theme files for the showcase site to see how it was all put together.

If you’re curious about block development, or how you might convince clients that WordPress is a credible CMS, this podcast is for you.

Useful links

WordPress Showcase

WordPress Enterprise

The block editor handbook

The theme handbook

Learn WordPress

Recent Developer Hours

Nick’s Twitter

You can reach out to Nick in the WordPress Slack channel: @ndiego

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