
Content Marketing Statistics for 2024

Content Marketing Statistics for 2024

Businesses across various sectors recognize the value of content marketing in engaging with their audience, building brand awareness and driving sales, leading to more substantial investments in content marketing strategies and tools. This trend reflects the industry’s evolving role as a central component of digital marketing and its substantial contribution to the global marketing economy…(Read on…)

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WordPress Web Help Group Hits 1000 Member Milestone!

WordPress Web Help Group Hits 1000 Member Milestone!

Whether you’re just starting out with WordPress or consider yourself a seasoned pro, don’t hesitate to join us and contribute to the conversation.

Well…we’ve hit a pretty significant milestone. The WordPress Web Help Meetup Group just hit 1000 members! I want to thank all who’ve joined over the years and especially the core group of members who show up to answer questions and help those further back on the learning curve to get up to speed with this truly cool marketing platform. (Read on…)

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The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Accessibility, and How it Can Boost Your Platform

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Accessibility, and How it Can Boost Your Platform

Making a website accessible means building a platform that maximum people can share and find reliable. That’s why WordPress Accessibility is so crucial.

More than 45.8% of websites across the globe will be powered by WordPress in 2023. The figure was 43.2% in 2022. Whether you want to create a simple or complex website for your business, WordPress can create the most trusted, versatile and user-friendly platform for your business goals… (Read on…)

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102 Quick & Easy Ways To Increase Organic Traffic

102 Quick & Easy Ways To Increase Organic Traffic

In this article, you are going to discover over 100 simple ways to increase organic traffic to your website or web property that you can implement today.

We’ve complied this list based on many years of online marketing experience and offer the to you to explore and use. While this list is extensive, many of the items may require more research on your behalf or the assistance of a marketing professional. (Read on…)

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Develop a Public Relations Strategy to Promote Your Small Business

Develop a Public Relations Strategy to Promote Your Small Business

Running a small business is by no means an easy task, especially when you are just getting started – you have limited time, resources, and budget, all while trying to get things done in order to create more awareness and grow your brand. Nonetheless, it is crucial to get your company name out there as much as possible to generate a customer pipeline and have steady incoming revenue. So, the question becomes: What’s the best way to get started?

PR, or Public Relations, is more essential than ever for small businesses to grow in 2024, and it doesn’t have to be super complicated or costly… (Read on…)

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Google Launches Gemini, the AI model It Hopes Will Take Down GPT-4

Google Launches Gemini, the AI model It Hopes Will Take Down GPT-4

Gemini is Google’s latest large language model, which Pichai first teased at the I/O developer conference in June and is now launching to the public. To hear Pichai and Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis describe it, it’s a huge leap forward in an AI model that will ultimately affect practically all of Google’s products. “One of the powerful things about this moment,” Pichai says, “is you can work on one underlying technology and… (Read on…)

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17 Fixes For Why Your Website Isn’t Performing

17 Fixes For Why Your Website Isn't Performing

I’ve now taken the procedure I follow in reviewing sites and converted it into a tool…available free…to help small business owners to improve their online presence by diagnosing and fixing some of the most common website fails.

For some time now, I’ve been performing website audits for business clients in order to help them determine whether they’re getting full value from their website investment. (Read on…)

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How to Translate WordPress (Ultimate Guide)

How to Translate WordPress (Ultimate Guide)

WordPress powers almost 43% of all websites and not all of them are in English. In fact, the number of non-English websites is on the rise, with 56% of WordPress sites being created in languages other than U.S. English. This shows there’s a huge opportunity for going multilingual and translating your site in multiple languages.

But getting started can be confusing, even for experienced WordPress users. (Read on…)

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Performant Translations Plugin Now Available on

Performant Translations Plugin Now Available on

After an in-depth performance analysis earlier this year revealed that translations can impact server response times, WordPress contributors proposed half a dozen technical solutions for consideration to improve performance for the ~56% of sites that use translations.

Performant Translations, a feature project by the core Performance Team, is now available as a plugin on It incorporates some of the proposed solutions and speeds up translations by converting .mo files to .php files, allowing them to be parsed faster and stored in OPcache. (Read on…)

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Thrive And Survive: PR Tactics For Small Businesses In A Challenging Economic Climate

Thrive And Survive: PR Tactics For Small Businesses In A Challenging Economic Climate

Within our global economy, small businesses play a significant role in driving innovation and embodying the entrepreneurial mindset. They are often at the forefront of introducing new products, ideas and services to the market.

…small businesses are no strangers to adversity and face a variety of challenges within the fast-paced and ever-evolving market. (Read on…)

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How to Generate Qualified Leads for a Small Business: 3 Easy Tips

How to Generate Qualified Leads for a Small Business: 3 Easy Tips

According to a 2021 HubSpot State of Marketing survey, 50% of small business owners say generating qualified leads is their primary digital marketing goal. But generating leads is a top challenge for 41% of content marketers. So, For the growth of a small business, understanding how to generate qualified leads should be a top priority.

While large businesses can speed up the process using special software for generating leads, small businesses with limited budgets can only rely on… (Read on…)

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SEO: “How to Yoast Your Post”

SEO: "How to Yoast Your Post"

Do you want your articles to be as well optimized as possible? Do you aim for that number 1 position in the search results? And do you madly chase traffic and clicks? It’s not easy to achieve all these things entirely on your own, but luckily, Yoast is here to help. In this post, we’ll talk you to the process of optimizing your post in the best possible way. We’ll explain the five steps on how to Yoast your post. (Read on…)

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My Addicting Step-by-Step Process To Get Tons Of Glowing Testimonials From Your Freelance Clients

My Addicting Step-by-Step Process To Get Tons Of Glowing Testimonials From Your Freelance Clients

We all know that testimonials are an important part of marketing. Humans are social animals and social proof is a powerful signal that can turn a prospect from a skeptic to an enthusiastic buyer.

The problem is that actually getting good testimonials is a pain, which is why a lot of freelancers don’t bother, or have really boring, vague testimonials to share.

Well, no more!

In this article, I’m going to give you my exact process to get great testimonials from your clients. (Read on…)

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Google Is Testing An AI Tool That Can Write News Articles

Google Is Testing An AI Tool That Can Write News Articles

Google is testing a tool that uses AI to write news stories and has started pitching it to publications, according to a new report from The New York Times. The tech giant has pitched the AI tool to The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal’s owner, News Corp.

The tool, internally codenamed “Genesis,” can take in information and then generate news copy. Google reportedly believes that the tool can serve as a personal assistant for journalists by automating…(Read on…)

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How Can Small Local Service Businesses Use AI To Improve Their Digital Marketing?

How Can Small Local Service Businesses Use AI To Improve Their Digital Marketing?

When many of us hear how AI will change the world – particularly digital marketing – our thoughts (and occasionally fears) drift towards how big organizations will use machines to do the work of legions of copywriters, designers, and other content creators.

Large corporations with equally large customer bases and competitively driven content needs are looking to sophisticated AI systems to generate content, and process and analyze data to stay ahead.

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The Small Business Owner’s Guide To Business Storytelling

The Small Business Owner's Guide To Business Storytelling

The best storytellers immediately draw the audience into the story, capture their attention and set the tone for a unique experience that the audience will remember, whilst focusing on these five key elements. Sharing stories allows us to connect with people in real life, and create memories that are more intense and last longer. But how do stories impact us on a psychological and physical level, and how can they benefit your business?

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What Is The Purpose Of Content Marketing?

What Is The Purpose Of Content Marketing?

As founder and CEO of a full-service digital marketing agency, I’ve seen firsthand how successful content marketing can be for businesses. I’ve also seen how so many companies get it wrong.

So, what is the purpose of content marketing? Let’s take a closer look.

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12 Tips for Creating the Best Email Subject Lines (with Examples)

12 Tips for Creating the Best Email Subject Lines (with Examples)

Email subject lines are arguably the most important component of your emails. After all, the subject line is what subscribers see in their inbox, and is what determines if they even open your email or not

So without good email subject lines, your email marketing efforts could go to waste! But don’t worry — you’ve come to the right place.

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Small Biz Owners Almost Always Fail With Their Marketing Because of These 3 Things

Small Biz Owners Almost Always Fail With Their Marketing Because of These 3 Things

Today I want to talk to you about some ways small business owners almost always fail when it comes to their marketing because they don’t do three specific things. By Brad Swezey First, they don’t have a systematic plan in place to get new business. Second, they don’t have a systematic plan in place to stay in contact with the clients and customers that they do get. And third, they treat marketing as an afterthought. They spend all their time and energy thinking about their product, or maybe their office furniture or other things, but they don’t think about their

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10 Things Your Small Business Can Learn About Marketing from Apple (INFOGRAPHIC)

10 Things Your Small Business Can Learn About Marketing from Apple (INFOGRAPHIC)

Building a universally loved brand without engaging in price wars against competitors is not easy. But one brand that has achieved this seemingly impossible feat is Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). Behind Apple’s phenomenal success lies its strong product portfolio and design standards. But the company’s unparalleled marketing strategy has also played a crucial role in ensuring it stays on top of its game. According to an infographic created by web design company, The Website Group, Apple’s winning marketing strategy provides lessons for small businesses. by Shubhomita Bose In Marketing Tips You may READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE on Small Business Trends website The company created the infographic

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Brass Ring Newsletter: September 2017

Brass Ring Newsletter: September 2017

TOPICS IN THIS ISSUE: How Healthy Is Your Website? 27 Amazing Online Marketing Tactics for Small Businesses With Low Budgets, by Neil Patel How to Create a Social Media Marketing Content Plan in 7 Steps Copywriting: Text Structure Featured Small Business: TaxRelief.Info Download as .pdf  

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How Healthy Is Your Website?

How Healthy Is Your Website?

Neglecting your website health means lost customers and lost income. Just like ignoring your body’s health is very risky and can result in you feeling lousy, ignoring your website health is something that risks your business success….that also feels bad.

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Copywriting: Text Structure

Copywriting: Text Structure

It really pays off to think about the structure of your piece before you actually start writing. The structure is the skeleton of your text: it will help the reader grasp the main idea of your text. In this post, I will give practical tips to help you set up a nice and clear text structure. Read more: ‘why text structure is important for SEO’ » By Marieke van de Rakt, Dec. 12, 2016 How to set up your text structure Think before you start writing. Take a piece of paper and write down what you want to write about.

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Brick Marketing Article: Tips to Ensure that Content Marketing Gets Done

Brick Marketing Article: Tips to Ensure that Content Marketing Gets Done

WordPress makes it easy to add great content to your website. Creating the content still needs doing, so here’s a great article and ideas from Brick Marketing…enjoy & implement! – Edward A. Sanchez, Brass Ring Multimedia You can read this article on the Brick Marketing Blog here. Tips to Ensure that Content Marketing Gets Done Writing by Nick Stamoulis in Content Marketing The most crucial component of marketing your business online today, and more specifically with SEO, is the content that is being created and published on behalf of your business or organization. Content is at the foundation of all online

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Article: Website Reading: It (Sometimes) Does Happen, by Jakob Nielsen

Article: Website Reading: It (Sometimes) Does Happen, by Jakob Nielsen

(If you’re already a client, we’ve probably already talked about this. People DON’T read everything we put on a website, which is why it is critically important that we present content in scannable form. This doesn’t mean we omit details, but it does mean that we need to format and layout our content in such a way as to cater to their reading styles. The following article, by one, if not THE internet usability expert gives excellent insight which will help you present your content effectively. – Edward) Read article on Nielsen Norman Group website or continue here. Summary: When web content

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Article: How Google’s PageRank Algorithm Screwed the Online Writer (and What They Did to Fix It) by Demian Farnworth

Article: How Google’s PageRank Algorithm Screwed the Online Writer (and What They Did to Fix It) by Demian Farnworth

Read article on Copyblogger Media website In many ways, this century has mostly been a dark time for online writers. Huh? You mean the Internet — the most significant publishing revolution since Gutenberg — hasn’t been good for writers?! Yes. And no. Here’s the thing, good content writers got squeezed out during the early days of Google’s PageRank algorithm. As I’ll explain later, the importance was placed on the page, which created a nasty race to the bottom as far as writer’s value was concerned. Thankfully, Google has recently changed its tune, and the web writer is about to profit from that change

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Entrepeneur Podcast: Tips From a Marketing Rebel

Entrepeneur Podcast: Tips From a Marketing Rebel

Click this link:   Tips From Marketing Rebel John Carlton to download and listen. John Carlton, marketing expert of Marketing Rebel will discuss how to record your sales pitch and turn it into an ad as well as how to avoid rip-off scamsters. Click here: for the same podcast on their website.

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