Copywriting: Text Structure

It really pays off to think about the structure of your piece before you actually start writing. The structure is the skeleton of your text: it will help the reader grasp the main idea of your text. In this post, I will give practical tips to help you set up a nice and clear text structure.

Read more: ‘why text structure is important for SEO’ »

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By Marieke van de Rakt, Dec. 12, 2016

How to set up your text structure

Think before you start writing. Take a piece of paper and write down what you want to write about. Set up a text structure, before you start writing and hold on to that structure while writing your blog post. Setting up a structure of your text can (for instance) be done following these three steps:

Step 1: Create a list

If you have gathered all the information you want to use in your post or article, you can start with structuring. You can write down a list with all the topics. You should just make some kind of list of everything your text should cover.

Step 2: Bundling topics together

If you have a clear overview of all the topics you want to discuss in your article, you start bundling topics. Topics which are similar should, of course, be discussed together.

Step 3: Ordering topics

If you are done bundling, you should decide upon the order you want to present the topics in your article. In most cases you will decide to order thematically. For instance, if you want to discuss various aspects or angles of the main topic of your blog. You should then discuss every aspect in a new paragraph.

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