Career Opportunities


The Brass Ring Team - Are You In?Brass Ring Web Design is in search of excellent, driven individuals interested in becoming part of the collaborative process. We operate on the principle of win/win or no deal. This means that we’re dedicated to not becoming part of any transaction or enterprise that doesn’t benefit all involved, especially our clients. Personal integrity is key in this dynamic. If this sounds like it’s in alignment with your personal values and goals, please contact me! You can use the following form to do so.

Vendors, free-lance artists, independent contractors, interns etc. etc. In order to offer the best help to small business clients, I’d like to hear from you and see if we’d be a good fit. I look forward to hearing from you!

Carpe Diem…

Edward A. Sanchez
Founder, Web Consultant

You may reach out to us via the following form: