Posts Tagged search engine optimization

SEO: “How to Yoast Your Post”

SEO: "How to Yoast Your Post"

Do you want your articles to be as well optimized as possible? Do you aim for that number 1 position in the search results? And do you madly chase traffic and clicks? It’s not easy to achieve all these things entirely on your own, but luckily, Yoast is here to help. In this post, we’ll talk you to the process of optimizing your post in the best possible way. We’ll explain the five steps on how to Yoast your post. (Read on…)

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SEO Tutorial For Beginners in 2020

SEO Tutorial For Beginners in 2020

What is SEO in 2020?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in 2020 is a technical, analytical and creative process to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. The primary function of SEO is to drive more unpaid useful traffic to a site that converts into sales.

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Google Warns Chrome Will Block Some Content After New Updates

Google Warns Chrome Will Block Some Content After New Updates

Just days after Google’s plans to introduce controversial DNS over HTTPS (DoH) to Chrome hit the headlines, comes news of another HTTPS change that is set to hit the hundreds of millions using the world’s most popular browser. For Google this change is critical, completing the task of pushing websites to ensure all traffic is encrypted. For website developers, it means there is a cut-off date to make changes. For users, it means some content will be blocked—even on popular sites—as changes take place.

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How to Get a Free SSL Certificate (and Why Google is Forcing You To)

How to Get a Free SSL Certificate (and Why Google is Forcing You To)

(SSL’s have become more than a good idea…they’re just about “musts” with SERP implications. Here’s a good article from 2017 that still holds up. – Edward) By Colin Newcomer – Jan. 9, 2017 – Elegant Themes Blog Does the idea of improving your search engine rankings and offering your visitors better security sound like something you’re interested in? What if I upped the ante and told you it wouldn’t cost you a penny? SSL certificates secure your website’s connection and boost its rankings in Google. And now, thanks to services like Let’s Encrypt, you can actually get a free SSL certificate

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How To SEO Meta Tags For Google & Other Search Engines in 2018

How To SEO Meta Tags For Google & Other Search Engines in 2018

LAST UPDATED: JANUARY 9TH, 2018 | By Shaun Anderson What Are Meta Tags? Meta Tags are used by Google and other search engines in some not-so-obvious ways. QUOTE: “Meta tags are a great way for Webmasters to provide search engines with information about their sites. (They) can be used to provide information to all sorts of clients, and each system processes only the meta tags they understand and ignores the rest. (They) are added to the <head> section of your HTML page.” (GOOGLE) How Can I Check The Meta Tags On A Site? You can use tools like SEMRush (specifically the SEMRush Audit Tool), SiteBulb Crawler, DeepCrawl, Screaming Frog or SEO Powersuite Website

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27 Amazing Online Marketing Tactics for Small Businesses With Low Budgets, by Neil Patel

27 Amazing Online Marketing Tactics for Small Businesses With Low Budgets, by Neil Patel

I love small businesses. As a small business, there are many opportunities for growth with a smart marketing strategy. But you’ve probably noticed a problem. Most of the marketing tactics out there are expensive! A simple Facebook or Google ad campaign can cost tens of thousands of dollars. So how can a small business use online marketing without the massive budgets of multinational corporations? I’ve launched a few startups of my own, and I can tell you exactly what works. Here are 27 free or very inexpensive ways to market your small business online. By Neil Patel…you can read the

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How Healthy Is Your Website?

How Healthy Is Your Website?

Neglecting your website health means lost customers and lost income. Just like ignoring your body’s health is very risky and can result in you feeling lousy, ignoring your website health is something that risks your business success….that also feels bad.

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Will the New Domain Extensions Negatively Impact Your SEO?

Will the New Domain Extensions Negatively Impact Your SEO?

by Eric Siu Five years ago, there weren’t that many options when it came to domain name extensions. You could only register a domain with a .com, .org or .net extension — and good luck if the name you wanted was already in use! More recently, however, domain name registry companies have expanded the list of options, thanks to the growing demand for URLs. Read the entire article on Entrepreneur’s website You now have dozens of other options for top-level domains, including .car, .business, and .app. And while it may be tempting to consider investing in one of these extensions

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