
How to Back Up Your WordPress Site

How to Back Up Your WordPress Site

Backing up your WordPress site is a simple process. With just a few steps, you can ensure that all of your website’s content and settings are secure and easily restorable in the event of a system failure or other unexpected issues.

Why do I need to back up my WordPress website?
Backing up your website is essential for protecting against data loss in the event of a system failure, malicious attack, or other unexpected issue. With regular backups, you can be sure that all of your content and settings are secure and can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster.

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WordPress Web Help Group Hits 1000 Member Milestone!

WordPress Web Help Group Hits 1000 Member Milestone!

Whether you’re just starting out with WordPress or consider yourself a seasoned pro, don’t hesitate to join us and contribute to the conversation.

Well…we’ve hit a pretty significant milestone. The WordPress Web Help Meetup Group just hit 1000 members! I want to thank all who’ve joined over the years and especially the core group of members who show up to answer questions and help those further back on the learning curve to get up to speed with this truly cool marketing platform. (Read on…)

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10 WordPress Security Issues & Vulnerabilities You Should Know About

10 WordPress Security Issues & Vulnerabilities You Should Know About

A leading CMS, WordPress, is used on almost 40% of all websites worldwide. All these aspects can be related to its popularity, user-friendly interface, massive offer of customization options, and support they offer to their users…

Why are WordPress Sites Vulnerable
Despite its popularity and myriad uses, WordPress sites are susceptible to several forms of security hazards. Several factors contribute to their susceptibility: The objectives in the following ballot have three states: approved, disapproved, and void. Let’s look at some reasons now why WordPress sites are so vulnerable… (Read on…)

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Business Internet Safety Guide

Business Internet Safety Guide

Keep your business safe by maintaining a secure Wi-Fi network, using strong passwords and updating software regularly.

Cybersecurity is important for everyone, and businesses are no exception. 61% of small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) were victims of cyberattacks last year and 87% of IT ‘decision makers’ claim they experienced two or more successful attacks in the past year.

Cyberattacks leave not only businesses vulnerable but their employees and consumers as well. Luckily, there are ways to keep your business safe from. cybersecurity threats. (Read on…)

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The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Accessibility, and How it Can Boost Your Platform

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Accessibility, and How it Can Boost Your Platform

Making a website accessible means building a platform that maximum people can share and find reliable. That’s why WordPress Accessibility is so crucial.

More than 45.8% of websites across the globe will be powered by WordPress in 2023. The figure was 43.2% in 2022. Whether you want to create a simple or complex website for your business, WordPress can create the most trusted, versatile and user-friendly platform for your business goals… (Read on…)

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8 Biggest Small Business Cybersecurity Misconceptions

8 Biggest Small Business Cybersecurity Misconceptions

Almost half of all workers in the country work for a business with fewer than 500 employees – and that doesn’t even account for the some 27 million small business owners who are their own sole employee.
Unfortunately, because small businesses are the drivers of our economy, they are also a ripe target for cyberattacks. The FBI recently reported that the majority of cybercrime victims are small businesses. (Read on…)

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17 Fixes For Why Your Website Isn’t Performing

17 Fixes For Why Your Website Isn't Performing

I’ve now taken the procedure I follow in reviewing sites and converted it into a tool…available free…to help small business owners to improve their online presence by diagnosing and fixing some of the most common website fails.

For some time now, I’ve been performing website audits for business clients in order to help them determine whether they’re getting full value from their website investment. (Read on…)

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Do I Need a Cookie Policy on My Website?

Do I Need a Cookie Policy on My Website?

You may have heard you need a cookie policy on your website, but don’t know why or where to start. We’ll show you the reasons for having a cookie policy and resources for creating one.

You’ve likely had to accept or deny cookies while browsing online. Online privacy laws exist to give website visitors the choice of what information site owners can collect.(Read on…)

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OpenAI, Google, others pledge to watermark AI content for safety, White House says

OpenAI, Google, others pledge to watermark AI content for safety, White House says

AI companies including OpenAI, Alphabet (GOOGL.O) and Meta Platforms (META.O) have made voluntary commitments to the White House to implement measures such as watermarking AI-generated content to help make the technology safer, President Joe Biden announced on Friday.

“These commitments are a promising step but we have a lot more work to do together,” Biden said. (Read on…)

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Google Warns Chrome Will Block Some Content After New Updates

Google Warns Chrome Will Block Some Content After New Updates

Just days after Google’s plans to introduce controversial DNS over HTTPS (DoH) to Chrome hit the headlines, comes news of another HTTPS change that is set to hit the hundreds of millions using the world’s most popular browser. For Google this change is critical, completing the task of pushing websites to ensure all traffic is encrypted. For website developers, it means there is a cut-off date to make changes. For users, it means some content will be blocked—even on popular sites—as changes take place.

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How to Get a Free SSL Certificate (and Why Google is Forcing You To)

How to Get a Free SSL Certificate (and Why Google is Forcing You To)

(SSL’s have become more than a good idea…they’re just about “musts” with SERP implications. Here’s a good article from 2017 that still holds up. – Edward) By Colin Newcomer – Jan. 9, 2017 – Elegant Themes Blog Does the idea of improving your search engine rankings and offering your visitors better security sound like something you’re interested in? What if I upped the ante and told you it wouldn’t cost you a penny? SSL certificates secure your website’s connection and boost its rankings in Google. And now, thanks to services like Let’s Encrypt, you can actually get a free SSL certificate

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Fast Secure Contact Form Plugin Removed By WordPress Due To Serious Security Issue

WORDPRESS ALERT: <br>Fast Secure Contact Form Plugin Removed By WordPress Due To Serious Security Issue

Greetings, all… One of the most popular WordPress forms plugin, the Fast Secure Contact Form plugin (which has been the standard for all Brass Ring Multimedia websites for years) has been removed from WordPress’s favorable status and listing quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Unfortunately, this was due to the actions of a nefarious individual who recently purchased the plugin from its creator…a fine developer who created, supported and evolved it for many years. We have been at risk since June when ownership changed. WordPress has now removed the plugin from its downloads and issued a “clean” version. The clean version will

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Brass Ring Newsletter: September 2017

Brass Ring Newsletter: September 2017

TOPICS IN THIS ISSUE: How Healthy Is Your Website? 27 Amazing Online Marketing Tactics for Small Businesses With Low Budgets, by Neil Patel How to Create a Social Media Marketing Content Plan in 7 Steps Copywriting: Text Structure Featured Small Business: TaxRelief.Info Download as .pdf  

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How Healthy Is Your Website?

How Healthy Is Your Website?

Neglecting your website health means lost customers and lost income. Just like ignoring your body’s health is very risky and can result in you feeling lousy, ignoring your website health is something that risks your business success….that also feels bad.

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About WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities and How to Address Them

About WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities and How to Address Them

You work hard to make your site awesome. And with all that work you put in, the last thing you want to do is lose your site to some malicious hacker. When it comes to hackers and WordPress, plugin vulnerabilities are one of the easiest ways for the bad guys to get in. by Brenda Barron Because of its popularity, WordPress is a magnet for hackers. According to Sucuri’s Q1 2016 Website Hacked Trend Report, 78% of the hacked websites they deal with were running WordPress. And based on a survey from WordFence, 55.9% of WordPress hacks with known entry points

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Non-HTTPS Sites Labeled “Not Secure” by Chrome

Non-HTTPS Sites Labeled “Not Secure” by Chrome

by Mark Maunder On approximately January 31st of 2017, version 56 of the Chrome web browser will be released. There is a significant change in the way it displays websites that are not using HTTPS, also known as SSL. This change may confuse your site visitors or surprise you if you are not expecting it. Starting with the release of Chrome 56 this month, any website that is not running HTTPS will have a message appear in the location bar that says “Not Secure” on pages that collect passwords or credit cards. It will look like this: This is the

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SoakSoak Malware Compromises 100,000+ WordPress Websites

SoakSoak Malware Compromises 100,000+ WordPress Websites

By Tony Perez on December 14, 2014 This Sunday has started with a bang. Google has blacklisted over 11,000 domains with this latest malware campaign from Our analysis is showing impacts in the order of 100’s of thousands of WordPress specific websites. We cannot confirm the exact vector, but preliminary analysis is showing correlation with the Revslider vulnerability we reported a few months back. Continue reading article HERE on  Tony Perez’s SucuriBlog

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