Posts Tagged technology

6 Ways Small Business Owners Can Get Their Employees to Use AI

6 Ways Small Business Owners Can Get Their Employees to Use AI

One of the most pivotal innovations that artificial intelligence offers small businesses is the ability to change the rules of engagement — a more level playing field. And its adoption in this size category has been stunning: According to Unbounce’s recent Break Free: The State of AI Marketing for Small Business report, approximately 30% of small and medium-sized businesses are leveraging some form of artificial intelligence.

One overriding challenge, however, is that implementing (Read on…)

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The Impact of Technology On Personal Finances

The Impact of Technology On Personal Finances

Technology has transformed how we interact, work, and even handle money. From mobile banking applications to digital budgeting tools, technology has changed the financial landscape, giving customers unparalleled power and convenience over their money. This post will examine how technology has influenced personal economics and how individuals may utilise these advancements to make better financial decisions. Technology integration has opened up new avenues for financial management, whether budgeting, sensible investment, or long-term planning. (Read on…)

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How Can Small Local Service Businesses Use AI To Improve Their Digital Marketing?

How Can Small Local Service Businesses Use AI To Improve Their Digital Marketing?

When many of us hear how AI will change the world – particularly digital marketing – our thoughts (and occasionally fears) drift towards how big organizations will use machines to do the work of legions of copywriters, designers, and other content creators.

Large corporations with equally large customer bases and competitively driven content needs are looking to sophisticated AI systems to generate content, and process and analyze data to stay ahead.

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