Posts Tagged financial planning

Financial Planning for Small Business Owners

Financial Planning for Small Business Owners

There are many different kinds of small business owners in all stages of their business. Some have just started putting their ideas into action in a startup, while others are in the growth stage or even planning an exit strategy.

No matter which stage your business is in and whether you’re a dreamer or more of a pragmatist, there is one thing you can’t afford not to do. You need a holistic financial plan that takes into account where your business is now and what the plan is for the future. (Read on…)

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The Impact of Technology On Personal Finances

The Impact of Technology On Personal Finances

Technology has transformed how we interact, work, and even handle money. From mobile banking applications to digital budgeting tools, technology has changed the financial landscape, giving customers unparalleled power and convenience over their money. This post will examine how technology has influenced personal economics and how individuals may utilise these advancements to make better financial decisions. Technology integration has opened up new avenues for financial management, whether budgeting, sensible investment, or long-term planning. (Read on…)

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5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Personal Finances for a Recession

5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Personal Finances for a Recession

The economy in the U.S. is crumbling, and many are predicting a recession that could be on par with the Great Depression or worse. Around the world, inflation is soaring, and we can all feel the ground shifting—and with it, so are our finances and investments. If you are looking to prepare well before the storm hits, here are a few tips that will help you figure your finances out.

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