Posts Tagged sales

Mark Cuban: These Are the Top 4 Reasons Most Small Businesses Fail

Mark Cuban: These Are the Top 4 Reasons Most Small Businesses Fail

You may not realize it, but most U.S. businesses are small businesses; SBA statistics show that 99 percent of all businesses are independent companies with fewer than 500 employees.

That’s the good news. The bad news? While estimates vary, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data 20 percent of new businesses fail within two years, 45 percent during the first five years, and 65 percent during the first 10 years. (Only 25 percent make it for 15 years or more.) (Read on…)

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Public Speaking Classes: Everything You Need To Know

Public Speaking Classes: Everything You Need To Know

Being a talented public speaker is a skill that is able to help advance a wide range of careers. The first step in this pursuit typically begins with enrolling in public speaking classes to help you master the craft.

Whether you are a published author trying to promote your new book, a marketing specialist presenting an important pitch at work, or anything in-between, being a great public speaker is something that is sure to be incredibly valuable. (Read on…)

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Content Marketing In 2023: The Ultimate Guide

Content Marketing In 2023: The Ultimate Guide

Content marketing is a strategy that utilizes a wide variety of channels, including social media, websites, videos, infographics, podcasts and blogs, to attract potential customers. By creating, publishing and sharing relevant content, companies are building their brand, establishing trust, increasing engagement and ultimately influencing more people to buy their products and services.

With an influx of options everywhere we turn, establishing and nurturing a strong, sustainable relationship with customers is more important than ever. Buyers need to feel not only satisfied, but also truly cared for, in order to stay loyal to a business. In addition to supporting this customer relationship, content marketing also helps make it easier for your customers to become champions of your brand and assist in boosting awareness.

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How To Leverage An Omnichannel Marketing Strategy To Reach Your Audience Wherever They Are

How To Leverage An Omnichannel Marketing Strategy To Reach Your Audience Wherever They Are

The data shows that omnichannel marketing strategies have power. When implemented successfully, they increase ad-driven store visits by 80%. With consumers relying more on their mobile devices and expecting tailored, seamless experiences from brands, failing to embrace omnichannel marketing seems like a wrong turn. Omnichannel strategies can boost sales, personalize the customer experience and increase retention rates.

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Sales And Marketing Alignment For Improved Business Effectiveness

Sales And Marketing Alignment For Improved Business Effectiveness

Organizations are constantly looking for strategies to increase leads, customer satisfaction and revenue.

An effective way to achieve this is through sales and marketing alignment.

When your marketing team is enabling sales, it becomes easier to achieve target goals.

In this guide, we will investigate the benefits and challenges of sales and marketing alignment. We will also discuss some of the best strategies and share success stories:

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Essential Tips on How to Boost Sales for Your Small Business — Melinda Emerson

Essential Tips on How to Boost Sales for Your Small Business — Melinda Emerson

What can you do to increase your sales right now? Today on the Atlanta Small Business Show, we’re pleased to welcome back Melinda Emerson, America’s number one small business expert, CEO of Quintessence Group, and best-selling author of Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, to share a few tips.

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Tips for Hiring a Marketing Company

Tips for Hiring a Marketing Company

Updated Sep 22, 2022 Hiring outside marketing and advertising expertise can take your business to the next level – just be sure you’re choosing the right partner. Marketing companies take over a labor-intensive process while bringing a consultative approach to devising your marketing strategies. Determine whether or not a marketing company can handle the services you need before deciding if they’re a good fit for your small business.  Identify your goals, secure references, and request a detailed written proposal before moving forward with any marketing company. This article is for small business owners considering outsourcing their marketing efforts to a

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Is Your Generic Voicemail Losing You Business?

Is Your Generic Voicemail Losing You Business?

Reaching a generic voice-mail greetings is one of my great frustrations (pet peeve?)…and I don’t leave messages, typically, if I can’t determine if I’ve gotten the right number. Why do so many people fail to program a simple greeting? I know we’re all concerned with security and privacy, and I am too, however if you’re using a number for business, you absolutely have to let people know they’ve come to the right place. All the websites, business cards, email, print advertising and social media work we do, etc. are NO good whatsoever if we lose customers because we present our potential customers

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