Posts Tagged fitness

I Started Taking a Walk Every Morning. Here’s What Happened to My Health

I Started Taking a Walk Every Morning. Here’s What Happened to My Health

Ever since I’ve started walking every morning, I usually get 12k to 15k steps a day. Much better. The boost hasn’t come from my morning walk alone; that habit has also had the unintended benefit of getting me moving more in general. I’ll intermittently take 10-minute walking breaks during the day just because I like how it feels to walk. I also get…(Read more…)

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What’s the Best Time of Day To Walk?

What’s the Best Time of Day To Walk?

There are certain activities that we do at particular times each day. We eat breakfast in the morning, lunch at midday, and dinner in the evening. We might make our bed after we get up. We brush our teeth in the morning and then again at night (right?).

There are some activities, however, that are best to do period—meaning it doesn’t actually matter when you do them. One of those things? Taking a walk.

Whether you’re strutting on a #HotGirlWalk or taking a leisurely stroll, the benefits of walking are numerous. (Read on…)

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33 Fitness Tips For Busy People

33 Fitness Tips For Busy People

Staying on top of your fitness can be tricky. We all know it’s great for body and mind, releasing endorphins and boosting our confidence and self-esteem. But, it can also take up precious time. When it comes to work, family and season 2 of The Bear, who has time for that 7 am circuit class? Or that Sunday morning spin session?

To help you not only make those classes but include fitness hacks in your everyday life, we’ve put together the ultimate list of fitness tips. (Read on…)

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