Monthly archive for November 2022

5 Principles To Follow When Allocating Your Marketing Budget In An Uncertain Economy

5 Principles To Follow When Allocating Your Marketing Budget In An Uncertain Economy

Even with the threat of a recession in the next year, companies should prioritize marketing to stay ahead of competitors. In fact, marketing spending is on the rise—now is not the time to back down. Cost-cutting shouldn’t be the strategy driving your annual marketing budget—you won’t meet growth goals this way. Instead of crafting marketing initiatives based on cost, focus on proven effectiveness.

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16 Strategies To Set Your Small Business Apart From Larger Competitors

16 Strategies To Set Your Small Business Apart From Larger Competitors

Whenever a new small business emerges, they have a big challenge competing against larger corporations that overtake the market. It can be hard for a new business to get its bearings and find ways to differentiate itself. However, with some creativity and strategy, there are ways to set themselves apart from larger corporations.

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Run A Small business? Follow This End-of-the-Year Checklist Before 2022 Ends

Run A Small business? Follow This End-of-the-Year Checklist Before 2022 Ends

Make sure you don’t forget anything important with this small business checklist. We put together some of the most important steps you should take before the year ends. Now is the time to tie up loose ends, take an inventory of your business and sniff out any weak spots holding you back. It’s important to take some time at the end of each year to do a thorough review of your company.

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The Small Business Owner’s Guide To Business Storytelling

The Small Business Owner's Guide To Business Storytelling

The best storytellers immediately draw the audience into the story, capture their attention and set the tone for a unique experience that the audience will remember, whilst focusing on these five key elements. Sharing stories allows us to connect with people in real life, and create memories that are more intense and last longer. But how do stories impact us on a psychological and physical level, and how can they benefit your business?

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4 Personal Finance Secrets of Successful, Wealthy People

4 Personal Finance Secrets of Successful, Wealthy People

Wealth creation is an extremely popular topic of discussion.

In a world where everyone wants to spend their money and has an eagerness to enjoy material possession, some people work day and night to make money.

The goal is not to become a money monger, but you can live a tension-free life if you have enough money in your pocket.

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Video Marketing In The Age Of Constant Content: How To Make An Impact

Video Marketing In The Age Of Constant Content: How To Make An Impact

With TikTok accounts, Instagram Reels and beyond, the age of video content is now. How often do you see a video ad pop up on your social media while browsing your preferred platforms? You might not even process the advertisements anymore and keep scrolling.

A video ad likely catches your attention every once in a while, but why?

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Small Businesses Face Economic Strain Even With Loyal Patrons

Small Businesses Face Economic Strain Even With Loyal Patrons

Brand loyalty is one thing, but when that loyalty is directed at a small business, it stands to benefit an entire community…The relationship between a small business and its customers is unique — rarely is it purely transactional. In fact, 37% of Americans say they purchase from small businesses to receive a more personal experience. Also, 30% of them are willing to pay more and 30% are willing to wait longer at small businesses versus major retailers or chain stores

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10 Most Common Reasons Why People Are Still Working in Retirement

10 Most Common Reasons Why People Are Still Working in Retirement

Even retirement can’t stop some people from continuing to work, either by choice or out of necessity. Retirement may be a great goal to work toward, but there are reasons you may still be working after you reach retirement age. Retiring early is a goal for many, but few of us have a plan for how to actually do it.

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Essential Tips on How to Boost Sales for Your Small Business — Melinda Emerson

Essential Tips on How to Boost Sales for Your Small Business — Melinda Emerson

What can you do to increase your sales right now? Today on the Atlanta Small Business Show, we’re pleased to welcome back Melinda Emerson, America’s number one small business expert, CEO of Quintessence Group, and best-selling author of Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, to share a few tips.

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5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Personal Finances for a Recession

5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Personal Finances for a Recession

The economy in the U.S. is crumbling, and many are predicting a recession that could be on par with the Great Depression or worse. Around the world, inflation is soaring, and we can all feel the ground shifting—and with it, so are our finances and investments. If you are looking to prepare well before the storm hits, here are a few tips that will help you figure your finances out.

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