Posts Tagged javascript

WP-Optimize Plugin Accused of Cheating PageSpeed and Other Performance Testing Tools

WP-Optimize Plugin Accused of Cheating PageSpeed and Other Performance Testing Tools

Gijo Varghese, a developer who calls himself a “web performance enthusiast,” shocked WordPress users around the world over the weekend when he tweeted a screenshot of how WP-Optimize is explicitly preventing select JavaScript files from loading when users test their sites through popular performance testing tools. By Sarah Gooding – You can find this entire article HERE on WPTavern’s Website “When a site is loaded, the JavaScript files are loaded only when the user-agent/browser is not Lighthouse/GTmetrix/Headless Chrome/Pingdom,” Varghese said. “No JS = high scores. But for real users, these JS files are loaded!” Varghese confirmed that he was testing the free

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